Senator Oliveira and Rep. Garry to Hold Press Conference on Bill Expanding Heart Law Coverage for Publicly Employed Police Officers

Senator Oliveira and Rep. Garry to Hold Press Conference on Bill Expanding Heart Law Coverage for Publicly Employed Police Officers 
When: 1:15 PM Thursday, February 27, 2025
WHERE: Room 222, Massachusetts State House 

What: Senator Jake Oliveira and Representative Colleen Garry will hold a press conference on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 1:15 PM in Room 222 to discuss SD.539 / HD.4025, An Act providing equity and fairness to POST-certified police officers disabled by cardiac disease. This legislation seeks to amend Chapter 32, Section 94 of the "Heart Law" to include publicly employed police officers who were not covered when the law was originally enacted in 1950. 

Research has confirmed that police officers face significantly higher risks of cardiovascular disease, yet current law excludes certain law enforcement agencies from protections under the "Heart Law." This legislation corrects that oversight by ensuring University of Massachusetts Police, State Environmental Police, Department of Mental Health Police, Massport Police, and State and Community College Police receive the same considerations as other publicly employed officers. 

Derrick Cruz (he/him/his) 
Director of Communications & Engagement 
Office of State Senator Jake Oliveira    
Hampden, Hampshire & Worcester District       
Mary Gail Martin, Legislative Aide 
Office of Representative Colleen M. Garry 
State House, Room 238 
Boston, Ma 02133
(617) 722 2380