Senate Acts to Prevent Abuse and Exploitation Online

Boston, MA — March 25, 2024 — On Thursday, Senator Jake Oliveira (D-Ludlow) joined his colleagues in the Senate to pass bipartisan legislation aimed at preventing abuse and exploitation online by criminalizing the dissemination of sexually explicit images or videos without an individual's consent.  

The bill, S.2073, An Act to Prevent Abuse and Exploitation, takes a multifaceted approach to tackling online harassment and exploitation. It includes provisions for a comprehensive educational program designed to help adolescents understand the severe consequences of posting indecent visual depictions online.  

Senator Oliveira emphasized the significance of the bill's approach, stating, "With this legislation, the Senate has made it clear that this form of bullying, harassment, and exploitation will not be tolerated. Survivors will receive the justice and support they deserve. And the educational programs included in this bill will ensure that young people understand the damaging effects of this behavior."  

Senator Oliveira thanked Senate leadership for their collaborative effort in developing this extensive bill. "The final bipartisan bill, unanimously passed by the Senate on Thursday, was crafted with the guidance of Senate President Spilka, Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means Senator Michael J. Rodrigues, Senate Chair of the Judiciary Committee Senator Jamie Eldridge, and the bill's primary sponsor Senator John F. Keenan. I want to recognize them for their efforts on this landmark bill."  
The key features of the bill include:  

  • Comprehensive Educational Program: The bill mandates the development of a comprehensive educational diversion program by the Office of the Child Advocate (OCA). This program will educate adolescents on the consequences of sexting and posting indecent visuals online. School districts will be required to promote media literacy skills and utilize content from the OCA's program.  
  • Definition of Coercive Control: The legislation defines coercive control providing individuals with the ability to seek abuse prevention orders in threatening situations.  
  • Increased Fines and New Offenses: The bill increases fines for criminal harassment and establishes new offenses for the unlawful distribution of explicit material.  
  • Creation of Commission: An amendment was adopted to create a commission tasked with examining the impacts of technology and the internet on protecting individuals from harm, abuse, and exploitation.  
Advocates across the state have voiced strong support for the bill. Deb Mann Schmill, Founder and President of the Becca Schmill Foundation, highlighted its importance in protecting individuals from online exploitation. "The passing of this legislation by the Senate today is an important milestone for all victims of online image-based sexual exploitation in Massachusetts," said Schmill.  

This marks the second time the Senate has passed a version of this legislation. Following the House of Representatives previous passage of a similar bill, the two branches will now reconcile differences before sending it to the Governor for consideration.