Reider Media - Longmeadow Neighbors



About Us

Longmeadow Neighbors is about inspiring a strong sense of community by connecting local businesses to local residents.

Here are a few reasons why branding your business through local content makes a big difference:

Local stories bring people together: We take great pride in sparking these
new relationships and forming bonds between neighbors in the community

Readers support our sponsors: Our readers enjoy supporting the local
businesses who make our magazines possible – and this saves our clients
valuable time which they can spend on their other key responsibilities

Local = Loyal: Our readers are loyal to businesses that share their values

Long-Term Branding Works: We help local businesses think like big brands
by creating Top of Mind awareness with feel-good content

Awareness and loyalty: Become the go-to source for a product or service
in the community

Organic growth: Our ads build repeatable brand consistency that creates
Top of Mind awareness in the community

The credibility factor: Becoming a credible source in the neighborhood is a
competitive advantage that will help grow your business

Print Media is alive and well: This is New Print, featuring local families and
residents gives us a high open rate with targeted distribution which offers
excellent positioning for our clients' ads

Combining print and digital advertising: Multiple branding touchpoints
ensure you'll be seen in residents' homes, computers and phones